Prof. Dr. Felix Gers
Mitglied der Data Science Group, angehörig dem Labor Online-Learning
- Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)
- Deep Learning (DL)
- Neuronale Netzem, RNN, LSTM
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Multimediale Programmierung
Short Bio / Scientific Resume
Felix Gers received his Diploma in Physics from the Leibniz University in Hannover. In his thesis, he worked on the non-linear process of “Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Glass Fibers”. He completed his PhD at the EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) with Prof. Dr. Wulfram Gerstner in cooperation with the IDSIA (Lugano, Switzerland) in the Laboratory of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmidhuber in the field of AI systems (Recurrent Neural Networks with Long Short-Term Memory, LSTM).
In a project on evolutionary neuronal structures at the ATR (Kyoto, Japan), he invented the Cellular Automata (CA) based CoDi algorithm, gaining him ATR’s best patent reword. At the company Mantik Bioinformatik (Berlin, Germany) he developed machine learning algorithms (Bayesian Classification and Neural Networks) for the automated screening of substances for drug development. In a computer game project at Bionic-Machines (Berlin, Germany), in cooperation with Microsoft, he worked on Game-AI and on a dialogue system for avatars. At the KI-Team Berlin, he dealt with the automatic classification of 3D LaserScan data applying Deep Neural Network (DNN) models.
Felix Gers has been Professor of Multimedia Development at the Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT) in the Department of Computer Science and Media since 2005. Since 2011, he is a fellow for the “Stifterverbandes deutsche Wissenschaft” in the teaching research project “Excellence in Teaching” with a personal focus on “Virtual Laboratories in Microbiology”. Professor Gers has been a member of the Data Science group at BHT since 2015. He researches on Natural Language Processing (NLP), Neural Modeling, Deep Learning (DL) and industrial application of AI methods in general.