• A CRAN Task view shows R's abilities in Design of Experiments (DoE).
  • I maintain a suite of five R packages with focus on industrial experimentation, which are described in more detail in the collapsible boxes below: DoE.base for orthogonal arrays, factorial designs and infrastructure (on CRAN, downloads last month*), DoE.MIParray (on CRAN, downloads last month*) for creating orthogonal (or also supersaturated) arrays for smallish mixed level situations, for which neither package DoE.base nor the web have the suitable array on offer, FrF2 for 2-level fractional factorial designs (on CRAN, downloads last month*), DoE.wrapper for integrating design functionality from further packages (on CRAN, downloads last month*), and RcmdrPlugin.DoE as a graphical user interface for those who do not want to do command line programming: (on CRAN, downloads last month*). Please feel free to contact me with thoughts and suggestions. 
    • A further supplemental R package is provided: Package FrF2.catlg128 (on CRAN, downloads last month*) enhances package FrF2 with large catalogues of regular fractional factorial 2-level designs in 128 runs.
  • The R package SOAs (on CRAN, downloads last month*; on github) provides stratum (aka strong) orthogonal arrays, which have more levels per column than the typical orthogonal arrays and behave like orthogonal arrays for low order projections if their columns are collapsed to coarser strata.
  • A sabbatical semester in the Summer 2025 will be used for developing an R package CAs for covering arrays. The package is in a very early development stage (on github).


*: number of downloads from R-Studio servers last month, as obtained from package cranlogs