Journal-, Buch- und Konferenzveröffentlichungen
- Reimann A., Kohlenbach P., Roentzsch L. und Schneider C. (2025). Development and validation of a quasi-2D electrolysis stack model with a focus on dynamic thermal behavior. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 118, 10 May 2025, Pages 457-471.
- Kohlenbach P., Jakob U., Vasta S., Weiss W. and Neyer D. (2024). Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions – Final results from IEA-SHC Task 65. Proc. of EuroSun Conference 2024, 27.08.2024, Limassol/Cyprus
- Jakob U., Neyer D., Vasta S., Weiss W. und Kohlenbach P. (2023). Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions – Results from IEA SHC Task 65 activities. Proc. of ISES SWC Conference 2023, 30.10-04.11.2023
- Reimann A., Kohlenbach P. und Roentzsch L. (2023). Development of a Novel Quasi-2D PEM Electrolyzer Model in Modelica. Proc. of 15th Modelica Conference, 09.-11.10.2023, Aachen/Germany.
- Kohlenbach P., Jakob U., Munzinger P. und Werntges A. (2023). The Potential of Photovoltaic Green Cooling with Natural Refrigerants. Proc. of 26th International Congress of Refrigeration 2023, 21.-25.08.2023, Paris/France.
- Kohlenbach P. (2022). Neue Trends und Entwicklungen bei der Verwendung natürlicher Kältemittel. Proc. of Jahrestagung Deutscher Kälte- und klimatechnischer Verein DKV, Magdeburg/Germany, 18.11.2022.
- Kohlenbach P., Jakob U., Munzinger P. und Werntges A. (2022). How to Cool A Warming World - The Potential of Photovoltaic Green Cooling with Natural Refrigerants in Sunbelt Countries. Proc. of EuroSun Conference 2022, 24.-26.9.2022, Kassel/Germany.
- Kohlenbach P. und Jakob U. (2022). R22 PLANT RETROFIT FOR REFRIGERATED STORAGE USING A PHOTOVOLTAIC-DRIVEN R290 CHILLER – A CASE STUDY. Proc. of 15th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants, Trondheim, Norway, 12.-15.6.2022
- Kohlenbach P. und Jakob U. (2022). Integration of Solar-Assisted Cooling and Freezing into a Micro-Brewery Process Using a Hybrid Vapour-Compression/Sorption System. Proc. of 15th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants, Trondheim, Norway, 12.-15.6.2022
- Jakob U., Neyer D., Vasta S. und Kohlenbach P. (2021). IEA SHC Task 65: An Update on Activity C1: Design Tools and Models. Proc. of ISES SWC Conference 2021, 25.10.2021
- Pels Leusden C., Kohlenbach P., Köhler S. (2021). Modellierung energetischer Gebäudesanierung und Elektromobilität – Planspiel Energie für (m)eine Stadt. Proc. of 7th Power to Heat Conference, ETG Energietechnische Gesellschaft im VDE, Berlin, 29.11.2021
- Pels Leusden C., Kohlenbach P., Köhler S., Wolf J. und Pleißner F. (2020). Energie für (m)eine Stadt. Proc. of 6th Power to Heat Dialog, VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V., Berlin, 03.12.2020
- Kohlenbach P. und Jakob U. (2019). Brandschutz bei A3-Kältemitteln durch sauerstoffreduziertes Abgas einer Brennstoffzelle. Jahrestagung Deutscher Kälte- und klimatechnischer Verein DKV, Kassel, 20.11.2019.
Kohlenbach P. und Dunst, B. (2018). TECHNO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF A PHOTOVOLTAIC-DRIVEN R290 CHILLER WITH A PHASE-CHANGE-MATERIAL (PCM) STORAGE TANK FOR REFRIGERATION APPLICATIONS. Proc. of 13th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants, Valencia, Spain, 17.6.2018
- Kohlenbach P. (2018). COLD STORAGE AS A MEANS TO AVOID EXCESSIVE POWER PRODUCTION FROM RENEWABLE ENERGY GENERATORS. International Special Issue 2019 - Sustainable cooling for a healthy future. Official journal of Centro Studi Galileo (CSG) and European Energy Centre (EEC), UNEP Publications. ISSN 1877-7058
- Kohlenbach P. (2018) Flexible Stromspeicher: Phasenwechselmaterialien in Kombination mit solarer Kühlung. Methoden des Fortschritts, Moringa Verlag Berlin, ISSN 978-3-948133-00-9
- Kohlenbach P. und Jakob U. (2018). The Potential of Solar Cooling for Social Housing Buildings in Mexico. International Special Issue 2018. Official journal of Centro Studi Galileo (CSG) and European Energy Centre (EEC), UNEP Publications. ISSN 1877-7058
- Kohlenbach P. (2017). Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtungen für photovoltaik-basierte solare Kühlsysteme. KI Kälte Luft Klimatechnik Hüthig GmbH Heidelberg, ISSN 0945-0459
- Greenaway T. and Kohlenbach P. (2017). Assessment of potential energy and greenhouse gas savings in the commercial building sector by using solar energy for airconditioning purposes. Procedia Engineering 180 ( 2017 ) 715 – 724
- Kohlenbach P. und Dunst, B. (2017). Techno-ökonomische Analyse eines Verbundsystems aus Photovoltaik-Anlage, R290-Kaltwassersatz und PCM-Kältespeicher. Jahrestagung Deutscher Kälte- und klimatechnischer Verein DKV, Kassel, 22.11.2017
- Kohlenbach P., Jakob U. und Mugnier D. (2016). Assessment on the Commercial Viability of Solar Cooling Technologies and Applications in the Arab Region. Official journal of Centro Studi Galileo (CSG) and European Energy Centre (EEC), UNEP Publications. ISSN 1877-7058
- Kohlenbach P. (2016). Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtungen für photovoltaik-basierte solare Kühlsysteme. Jahrestagung Deutscher Kälte- und klimatechnischer Verein DKV, Kassel, 16.11.2016.
- Kohlenbach, P; Jakob U; Osborne, J; Dreyer J; Kim J (2015). The design and installation of a combined concentrating power station, solar cooling system and domestic hot water system. Energy Procedia, Vol. 70, pp.484-496
- Kohlenbach P. and Jakob U. (2014). Solar Cooling - The Earthscan Expert Guide to Solar Cooling Systems, Routledge Chapman & Hall, 2014
- Kohlenbach, P; Ackermann, L; Mörtl, K; Punzel, G; Osborne, J (2014). Influence of oil-soaked insulation on the heat loss of thermal oil piping used in high-temperature solar cooling applications. Energy Procedia, Vol. 48, pp. 739-748.
- Kohlenbach, P; Jakob U; Osborne, J (2014). Refrigeracion fotovoltaica frente a refrigeracion termo solar. Una comparativa para Europa. Frio Calor Aire Acondicionado, ISSN 0210-0665
- Kohlenbach, P; Ackermann, L; Mörtl, K; Punzel, G; Osborne, J (2013). Influence of oil-soaked insulation on the heat loss of thermal oil piping used in high-temperature solar cooling applications. Proc. of SHC 2013 - International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling in Buildings and Industry, Freiburg, Germany, 25.09.2013.
- Kohlenbach, P; Jakob U; Osborne, J (2012). PHOTOVOLTAIC VS SOLAR THERMAL COOLING: A COMPARISON FOR EUROPE. Proc. of 10th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference, Delft, Netherlands, 25.06.2012.
- Kohlenbach, P. and Dennis, M. (2010). Opportunity and Direction for Solar Cooling – The Case in Australia. Industria Formazione – Special Issue Refrigeration and Air-conditioning. Official journal of Centro Studi Galileo (CSG) and European Energy Centre (EEC). October 2010.
- Kohlenbach, P. and Dennis, M. (2010). Solar Cooling in Australia: State of the art and outlook. Proc. ofAIRAH Achieving theGreen Dream Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 17th September 2010.
- Bongs, C., Dalibard, A., Kohlenbach P., Marc, O., Gurruchaga, I. and Tsekouras P. (2010). Simulation Tools for Solar Cooling Systems – Comparison for a Virtual Chilled Water System. Proc. ofEuroSun 2010 Conference Proceedings, Graz, Austria, September 2010.
- Kohlenbach, P. and Dennis, M. (2010). Solar Cooling in Australia: The future of air-conditioning? Proc. of 9th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference, Sydney, Australia, 14th April 2010.
- Jakob, U. and Kohlenbach, P. (2010). Recent developments of sorption chillers in Europe. Proc. of 9th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference, Sydney, Australia, 13th April 2010.
- Kohlenbach, P. (2010). What is the Potential Role of Solar Air-Conditioning in Australia? Proc. of Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration and Building Services Trade Exhibition (ARBS), Sydney, Australia, 13 April 2010.
- Kohlenbach, P. (2009). The Australian Solar Cooling Initiative. Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Solar Air-Conditioning, Palermo, Italy, September 30th 2009
- Ott, S., Guthrie, K., Andrews, G., Kohlenbach, P. (2009). Solar cooling opportunities on fruit and dairy farms. Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Solar Air-Conditioning, Palermo, Italy, September 30th 2009
- Rossington D., White, S., Weigand, A., Sire, R., Reece, R., Kohlenbach, P. (2009). Comparison of Silica Gel and Zeolite Desiccant Wheel Performance. Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Solar Air-Conditioning, Palermo, Italy, September 30th 2009
- White, S.D., Kohlenbach, P. and Bongs, C. (2009). Indoor temperature variations resulting from solar desiccant cooling in a building without thermal backup. International Journal of Refrigeration 32 (2009)
- Kohlenbach, P. and Rossington, D. (2008). A novel material for desiccant wheels: Performance testing results. Proc. ofEuroSun 2008 Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, Portugal, 07-10 October 2008.
- White, S.D., Kohlenbach, P. and Bongs, C. (2008). Desiccant cooling system modelling and optimisation. Proc. ofEuroSun 2008 Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, Portugal, 07-10 October 2008.
- Kohlenbach, P. (2008). Solar Cooling – State of the art overview. Proc. of IIR-HVAC Efficiency Best Practice Conference, Sep 18th 2008, Melbourne, Australia
- Kohlenbach, P. and Zegenhagen, T. (2008). Performance comparison of two models for desiccant wheel simulation. Proc. of International Sorption Heat Pump Conference, Seoul, South Korea, 23-26 September 2008.
- Kohlenbach, P., Rossington, D. and Weigand, A. (2008). Experimental performance results of a FAM Z-01 desiccant wheel. Proc. of International Sorption Heat Pump Conference, Seoul, South Korea, 23-26 September 2008.
- Kohlenbach, P., and Ziegler, F. (2008) A dynamic simulation model for transient absorption chiller performance. Part I: The model. International Journal of Refrigeration. Volume: 31, Issue: 2, March, 2008, pp. 217-225
- Kohlenbach, P., and Ziegler, F. (2008) A dynamic simulation model for transient absorption chiller performance. Part II: Numerical results and experimental verification. International Journal of Refrigeration. Volume: 31, Issue: 2, March, 2008, pp. 226-233
- Kohlenbach, P., Bongs, C., Ward, J. K., and White, S. D. (2007) Performance modelling of a desiccant cooling system. In: Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Solar Air-Conditioning, Tarragona, Spain, October 18th-19th 2007.
- Kohlenbach, P., Bongs, C., Ward, J. K., and White, S. D. (2007) Performance modelling of a desiccant trigeneration system. In: Proc. of 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, Beijing, China, August 21-26 2007. Paris: International Institute of Refrigeration.
- Kohlenbach, P., McEvoy, S.R., Stein, W.H., Burton, A., Wong, K., Lovegrove, K., and Burgess, G. (2007). Novel parabolic trough collectors driving a small-scale organic Rankine cycle system. In: Proc. of ES2007, Energy Sustainability 2007, Long Beach, California, U.S.A. June 27-30, 2007. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
- Kohlenbach, P. (2007). Alternative solar air-conditioning options. In: Proc. of AIRAH Air Conditioning and Demand Management Conference, Sydney, NSW, April 19th 2007. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating.
- Kohlenbach, P., Bongs, C., White, S.D., and Ward, J.K. (2006). Performance modelling of a desiccant-evaporative sorption air-conditioning system driven by micro-turbine waste heat in tropical climates. In: Proc. ofAIRAH Sustainability Conference for Tropical and Sub-Tropical Climates, Noosa Heads, Qld., 14-15 September 2006. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating.
- Kohlenbach, P., McEvoy, S.R., Stein, W.H., Burton, A., Wong, K., Lovegrove, K., and Burgess, G. (2006). A new parabolic trough solar collector. In: Proc. ofClean Energy? Can Do! Proceedings of Solar 2006; 44th Annual ANZSES Conference, Canberra, A.C.T., 13-15 September 2006. Canberra: Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society.
- Kohlenbach, P., and Ziegler, F. (2006). Development of a dynamic simulation model for transient absorption chiller performance. In: Proc. of7th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Working Fluids, Trondheim, Norway, 28-31 May 2006. Paris: International Institute of Refrigeration.
- Kohlenbach, P., and Ziegler, F. (2006). A novel dynamic simulation model for absorption chillers in solar cooling systems. In: Proc. ofEuroSun 2006 Conference Proceedings, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 June 2006. Abingdon, England: Solar Energy Society.
- Kohlenbach, P., Bongs, C., White, S.D., and Ward, J.K. (2006). Performance modelling of a desiccant-evaporative sorption air-conditioning system driven by micro-turbine waste heat in tropical climates. EcoLibrium, 5 (11), 25-31. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning and Heating.
- Wiegand E., Kohlenbach P., Kühn A., PetersenS., ZieglerF. (2005) „Entwicklung eines Nasskühlturms kleiner Leistungsklasse für den Einsatz in Systemen zum Solaren Kühlen“. KI Kälte Luft Klimatechnik Hüthig GmbH Heidelberg, ISSN 0945-0459
- Kühn A., HarmM., KohlenbachP., PetersenS., Schweigler C., ZieglerF. (2005) „Betriebsverhalten einer 10 kW Absorptionskälteanlage für niedrige Antriebstemperaturen“. KI Kälte Luft Klimatechnik Hüthig GmbH Heidelberg, ISSN 0945-0459
- Kohlenbach P., Clauß, V. (2005). „Vergleich verschiedener Strategien zur Regelung einer solarthermischen Anlage für den Einsatzzweck Solares Kühlen“. Presented at 15th Symposium Thermische Solarenergie, Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 2005.
- Kühn A., PetersenS., ZieglerF., KohlenbachP., Schweigler C., HarmM. (2004). „Performance of a 10 kW solar driven absorption chiller“. Presented at the 5th ISES Europe Solar Conference EuroSun 2004, Freiburg, Germany
- Kohlenbach P., Harm M., Kühn A. (2004). „Solar Cooling System with Low Driving Temperature”. Presented at the Int. Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings (IEECB) 2004, Frankfurt, Germany
- Storkenmaier F., Harm M., Schweigler C., Ziegler F., Albers J., Kohlenbach P., Sengewald T. (2003). „Small-capacity water/LiBr absorption chiller for Solar Cooling and Waste-Heat driven Cooling“. Presented at the International Congress of Refrigeration 2003, Washington D.C., USA
- Lovegrove, K., Luzzi, A., Kreetz, H., Kohlenbach, P. (2000). “A Solar Thermochemical Energy Storage System Using Iron Based Catalyst Materials” Presented at the 8th International Conference on Ferrites, Kyoto, Japan, 2000
- Lovegrove, K., Luzzi, A., Kreetz, H., Kohlenbach, P. (2000). “Multi-Megawatt 24 Hour Solar Power”. Presented at the 5th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Cairns, Australia, 2000
- Lovegrove, K., Luzzi, A., Kreetz, H., Kohlenbach, P. (2000). “Dish-based continuous solar thermal power using ammonia”. Presented at the 10th SolarPACES International Symposium on Solar Thermal Concentrating Technologies, Sydney, Australia, 2000