Sudhershan, A., Eikel-Pohen, M. ‘Digitalising Berlin’s history: (Inter)cultural and self-directed language learning in a transatlantic online tandem project’. Tagungsband des 8. Bremer Symposions zum Fremdsprachenlehren und -lernen an Hochschulen (Die Rolle von Sprachenzentren neu denken: Flexibilität, Relevanz & Vision), 1-3 March 2023.

Arnold, V., Schemien, A., Sudhershan, A. ‘Using E-Portfolios for Assessing Language Learning in ESP Contexts’. Tagungsband des 8. Bremer Symposions zum Fremdsprachenlehren und -lernen an Hochschulen (Die Rolle von Sprachenzentren neu denken: Flexibilität, Relevanz & Vision), 1-3 March 2023.

Arau Ribeiro, M. C., Sudhershan, A. Schemien, A. 'Fostering Interdependence in the Language Classroom with Resources for Collaborative Autonomy'. MindBrainEd Think Tanks: How Building Learner Autonomy Aids Language Learning, 10(8), pp. 32 – 39.


Sudhershan, A. 'Learner autonomy, electronic portfolios and project-based (language) learning: connecting the dots'. [Proceedings of the CORALL - Coaching-oriented Online Resources for Autonomous Learning International Conference, 17 June 2022]

Arau Ribeiro, M. C., Sudhershan, A., Schemien, A., Asztalos, R., Szénich, S. 'Lighting a sustainable fire for learner responsibility in LSP: A hands-on workshop with tools designed to promote collaborative autonomy'. Tagungsband zur 32. Arbeitstagung des AKS zum Thema „Mehrsprachigkeit ist keine Formel, sondern ein gelebtes Modell“.


Némethová, I., Arau Ribeiro, M. C., Sudhershan, A. 'Autonomous Language Learning: needs assessment for sustainable innovation in course materials'. IN: Brandt, A. (ed.) Quo vadis Sprachlehre? Neue Unterrichtsformen vor der Tür Dokumentation der 1. AKS-Online-Konferenz. Fremdsprachen in Lehre und Forschung 55. Bochum: AKS Verlag, pp. 63-75.


Sudhershan, A. ‘Lessons learnt: Flipping a Business English Course with Moodle’s "Learning Paths". IN: Bonetto, E., Ennis, M. J. and Unterkofler, D. (eds.) Teaching Languages for Specific and Academic Purposes in Higher Education – English, Deutsch, Italiano. International Symposium. Bozen-Bolzano, 29/06/2018. Bozen-Bolzano University Press, 2020 / Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, pp. 93-105.


Sudhershan, A. und Bruen, J. ‘Building Virtual Bridges: Developing an international tandem link between an Austrian and an Irish university’ ETAS (English Teachers’ Association Switzerland) Journal, 34 (3), pp. 39-41.


Sudhershan, A. and Bruen, J. ‘Dealing with “educational baggage” in the language classroom: developing autonomy among international students’. IN: Hernández, R. and Rankin, P. (eds), Higher Education and Second Language Learning: Promoting Self-directed Learning in new Technological and Educational Contexts. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 25-43.

Bruen, J. and Sudhershan, A. '“So they’re actually real?” Integrating e-tandem learning into the study of Language for International Business’. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 26 (2), pp. 81-93.


Sudhershan, A. ‘E-portfolio self-assessment of intercultural communicative competence: Helping language learners to become autonomous intercultural speakers’. IN: Geraghty, B.and Conacher, J (eds), Intercultural contact, language learning and migration. Bloomsbury.


Bruen, J. and Sudhershan, A. ‘Intercultural encounters and the European Language Portfolio (ELP): some thoughts on the development of the intercultural dimension of the LOLIPOP-ELP and its potential role in language teaching and learning’. Special issue of Germanistik in Ireland: Intercultural Encounters in the Classroom, 4, pp.87-101.

Crosbie, V. and Sudhershan, A. ‘Putting the self into assessment: evaluating linguistic and intercultural proficiency with LOLIPOP’. IN: Urkun, Z. (ed.) Issues in assessing ESOL: selected articles by the presenters of the IATEFL Testing, Evaluation and Assessment Special Interest Group (TEASIG) conference in Dublin, Ireland, 17-18 October 2008. IATEFL (TEA SIG), pp.8- 17.