Die nachfolgenden Inhalte sind weitgehend englischsprachig.

  • 14.12.2024: Grömping, U. Implementing arrays for fault detection in R software. Invited presentation at CMStatistics 2024 in London. PDF slides.
  • 30.08.2024: Grömping, U. Criteria for assessing space filling of a design, with emphasis on the stratification pattern. Invited presentation at CompStat 2024, Gießen (hybrid). PDF slides.
  • 17.12.2022  Grömping, U.: General Orthogonal Arrays (GSOAs): constructions and properties. Invited presentation at the "15th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2022)" in London (hybrid). PDF slides.
  • 17.07.2021  Grömping, U.: An algorithm for blocking regular fractional factorial 2-level designs with clear two-factor interactions. Invited presentation at the "18th Workshop on Quality Improvement Methods" TU Dortmund University. PDF slides.
  • 28.04.2021  Grömping, U.: Die perfekte Grafik mit R − base schlägt gg. Invited seminar presentation at HOST. HTML slides (slidy).
  • 02.12.2020  Grömping, U.: Model-agnostic effects plots. Invited seminar presentation at HWR Berlin.
  • 15.06.2019  Grömping, U.: Equivalence of experimental designs. Invited presentation at the "17th Workshop on Quality Improvement Methods", held at Hotel Esplanade, Dortmund (organized by TU Dortmund University).
  • 02.06.2018  Grömping, U.: An Algorithm for Generating Good Mixed Level Factorial Designs. Invited presentation at the "16th Workshop on Quality Improvement Methods", held at Hotel Esplanade, Dortmund (organized by TU Dortmund University).
  • 30.04.2018  Grömping, U.: An Algorithm for Generating Good Mixed Level Factorial Designs. Invited presentation at "Design of Experiments: New Challenges", held at CIRM in Marseilles, France.
  • 20.04.2017  Grömping, U.: Understanding the confounding structure of factorial experiments. Invited presentation at DISMA in Politecnico di Torino.
  • 13.10.2016  Grömping, U.: Design of Experiments in R (video). Invited presentation at the European R users meeting 2016 (http://erum.ue.poznan.pl/).
  • 13.06.2016  Grömping, U. and Bailey, R.A.: Regular Fractions of Factorial Arrays. Invited presentation at the mODa11 workshop in Dingden.
  • 16.03.2016  Grömping, U.: Generalized resolution for factorial designs. Presentation at the DAGStat 2016 conference in Göttingen.
  • 12.12.2015  Grömping, U.: Generalized resolution for factorial designs. Invited presentation at CMStatistics 2015 in London.
  • 6.6.2015  Grömping, U.: (Non-)regularity of general orthogonal arrays and consequences for experimentation. Invited presentation at the 14th Workshop on Quality Improvement Methods in Dortmund (organized by Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund).
  • 23.09.2014  Grömping, U.: Mosaic Plots for Visualizing Confounding Properties of Factorial Designs. Presentation at ENBIS 14
  • 23.09.2014  Grömping, U.: Half Normal Effects Plots in the Presence of a Few Error Degrees of Freedom. Presentation at ENBIS 14
  • 21.06.2014    Grömping, U.: Understanding the confounding structure of factorial experiments. Invited presentation at the 13th Workshop on Quality Improvement Methods in Dortmund (organized by Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund).
  • 18.04.2013    Grömping, U.: Fractional factorial 2-level designs and their implementation in R-package FrF2. Invited presentation in the seminar series of the UCLA Statistics Department.
  • 09.06.2012    Grömping, U.: Ranking criteria for mixed level orthogonal arrays. Invited presentation at the 11th Workshop on Quality Improvement Methods in Dortmund (organized by Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund).
  • 04.05.2012    Grömping, U.: Relative projection aberration for mixed level orthogonal arrays. Invited presentation at the Department of Environment, Technology and Technology Management of the Faculty of Applied Economics of the University of Antwerp.
  • 27.09.2011    Grömping, U.: Industrial Design of Experiments in R. Invited presentation at ODE 2011 at BOKU in Vienna.
  • 26.09.2011    Grömping, U.: Relative projection aberration for mixed level orthogonal arrays. Presentation at ODE 2011 at BOKU in Vienna.
  • 16.08.2011    Grömping, U.: Design of Experiments in R (slides). Invited presentation at UseR! 2011 at Warwick University (UK), available on Video.
  • 04.06.2011    Grömping, U.: Relative projection aberration for mixed level orthogonal arrays. Invited presentation at the 10th Workshop on Quality Improvement Methods in Schwerte-Villigst (organized by Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund).
  • 06.10.2010    Grömping, U.: Variable importance in linear models and random forests. Invited presentation at the workshop "Validation in Statistics and Machine Learning" at WIAS, Berlin
  • 15.05.2010    Grömping, U.: Orthogonal arrays in software. Invited presentation at the 9th Workshop on Quality Improvement Methods in Witten-Bommerholz (organized by Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund).
  • 24.03.2010    Grömping, U. : A graph-based algorithm for identifying 2-level fractional factorial designs with some clear 2-factor interactions. DAG Stat 2010 conference (and 56th Biometric Conference), Dortmund, Germany.
  • 08.07.2009    Grömping, U. (2009). Design of Experiments in R. UseR! 2009, Rennes, France. (slides)
  • 27.05.2009    Tien, M. and Grömping, U. (2009). Pitfalls in driver analysis and some routes to avoid them. Presentation at the "SKIM 2009 TRAINING & WORKSHOP EVENT "Behavioral Learnings: An Evolutionary Approach" in Prag, Czechia.
  • 22.05.2009    Grömping, U.: A project on Design of Experiments in R. Invited presentation at the 8th Workshop on Quality Improvement Methods in Witten-Bommerholz (organized by Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund).
  • 26.01.2009    Grömping, U.:  Schätzen und Testen bei linearen Ungleichheitsbedingungen mit dem R”Paket ic.infer. Invited presentation at the Institute for Biostatistics at Leibniz Universität Hannover.
  • 27.11.2008    Grömping, U.:  Was ist wichtig für die Kundenzufriedenheit? Methoden zur Bewertung von Wichtigkeit in Regressionsmodellen. Invited presentation at the "Quantitativ-Ökonomisches Colloquium", FU Berlin.
  • 28.10.2008    Grömping, U.:  Relative Wichtigkeit von Einflussgrößen in Beobachtungsstudien. Invited presentation at the Colloquium "Statistische Methoden in der Empirischen Forschung", Berlin.
  • 06.05.2008    Grömping, U.:  Statistische Schlüsse trotz fehlender Daten mit Beispielen aus der Unfallforschung. Invited presentation at the ZMS Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Hamburg University.
  • 30.04.2008    Grömping, U.:  Relative Wichtigkeit von Einflussvariablen: Lineares Modell vs. Random Forest. Presentation at the Statistical Colloquium, Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund.
  • 11.04.2008    Grömping, U.:  Autos verbessern, Straßen sicher machen, den Markt verstehen - mit Statistik. Invited presentation at the graduation ceremony (Absolventenfeier), Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund.
  • 19.05.2007    Grömping, U.:  Multiple imputation of missing values for multivariate analyses. Invited presentation at the 6th Workshop on Quality Improvement Methods in Witten-Bommerholz (organized by Department of Statistics, Dortmund University).
  • 9.11.2006    Grömping, U.:  Decomposition of the Response Variance in Linear Regression. Invited presentation at the Ford MBB offsite in Cologne, Germany.
  • 26.06.2006    Grömping, U.:  Zerlegung der Varianz der Zielgröße in der linearen Regression. Invited presentation at the Institute of Medical Informatics, Biometry, and Epidemiology (IMBE) of Erlangen University.
  • 27.05.2006    Grömping, U.:  Decomposition of the Response Variance in Linear Regression. Invited presentation at the 5th Workshop on Quality Improvement Methods in Witten-Bommerholz (organized by Department of Statistics, Dortmund University).
  • 06.03.2006    Grömping, U.:  Estimators of Relative Importance in Linear Regression. Presentation at "Evaluation 2006", the annual conference of the German Region of the International Biometrical Society in Bochum, Germany.
  • 02.04.2005    Grömping, U., Gerhorst, F. and Lloyd-Thomas, D.:  Robustness assessment of exhaust manifolds. Invited presentation at the 4th Workshop on Quality Improvement Methods in Witten-Bommerholz (organized by Department of Statistics, Dortmund University).
  • 03.09.2004    Grömping, U., Menzler, S. and Weimann, U.:  Split-Register Study: A New Method for Estimating the Impact of a Rare Exposure on Population Accident Risk based on Accident Register Data. First Expert Symposium on Accident Research (ESAR), Hannover, Germany.
  • 25.08.2004    Heinrichs, R. und Grömping, U.: Customer Driven Diesel Vehicle Sound Quality. Inter-Noise 2004, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • 13.03.2004    Grömping, U.: Application of DoE in Automotive Industry. Invited presentation at the 3rd Workshop on Quality Improvement Methods in Witten-Bommerholz (organized by Department of Statistics, Dortmund University).
  • 19.03.2003    Grömping, U. and Weimann, U.: The asymptotic distribution of the partial attributable risk in cross-sectional studies (in German). 49th Biometric Conference, Wuppertal, Germany.
  • 18.03.2003    Heinrichs, R. and Grömping, U. (2003). Principal dimension of diesel sound perception (in German). DAGA 2003, Aachen, Germany.