How can our organisation create new income channels from data-driven products?

How should we design these products?  How can we design a platform economy for your B2B or B2C business? What organisational changes must we face? How can we recruit staff and which? How can we align our strategy with the political road map of Germany or the EU on artifical intelligence and platform economy?

What do buzzwords like artifical intelligence, deep learning, data science,  platform economy or text analytics mean for your DNA?

What organizational and cultural challanges do we face? How do we break-up silos? What are  technological challenges? How can we establish a data science/AI-unit?

During the last 13 years, we helped the following companies and organizations. 

  • Babbel GmbH
  • Bayer AG
  • Bisnode Deutschland GmbH
  • European Union (ERCIM Expert, Independent Expert)
  • Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
  • Fresenius SE /Curalie GmbH
  • Handelsblatt
  • Helios-Kliniken IT Services GmbH
  • IBM Inc., Global Business Service
  • inovex GmbH
  • KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH
  • eBay/ GmbH
  • MunichRe SE
  • Neofonie GmbH
  • Sozialbank AG
  • SpringerNature 
  • Vico Research & Consulting GmbH
  • Zalando SE