Dr. Konstantina Lazaridou has been a research assistant at DATEXIS at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin and PhD student at the University of Potsdam. She received her Bachelor degree from the University of Ioannina, Department of Computer Science, Greece and she worked on mining evolving graphs for her Bachelor thesis. She received her Master degree from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Informatics, Greece with focus on Information Systems. Her master thesis was titled “Finding representatives from probabilistic graphs”. During her PhD, she is working on Text Mining, particularly on analyzing news and social media. In summer 2018, she was an intern at Factmata, a London-based start-up that fights misinformation on the Web and aims at building a quality media ecosystem. Her main focus during both her internship and her doctoral studies is to detect political bias in newspapers.
Research Interests
- Data Mining (Text, Opinion and Graph Mining)
- Machine and Deep Learning
- Text Classification
- Konstantina Lazaridou, Alexander Löser, Maria Mestre, Felix Naumann : Discovering Biased News Articles Leveraging Multiple Human Annotations. LREC 2020
- Konstantina Lazaridou, Toni Grütze, Felix Naumann: Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?: Detecting Person Locations via Social Media Discussions. WebSci 2018: 229-238
- Konstantina Lazaridou, Ralf Krestel, Felix Naumann: Identifying Media Bias by Analyzing Reported Speech. ICDM 2017: 943-948
- Toni Grütze, Ralf Krestel, Konstantina Lazaridou, Felix Naumann: What was Hillary Clinton doing in Katy, Texas? WWW (Companion Volume) 2017: 783-784
- Konstantina Lazaridou, Ralf Krestel: Identifying Political Bias in News Articles. TCDL Bulletin 12(2) (2016)
- Christian Godde, Konstantina Lazaridou, Ralf Krestel: Classification of German Newspaper Comments. LWDA 2016: 299-310
- Konstantina Lazaridou, Konstantinos Semertzidis, Evaggelia Pitoura, Panayiotis Tsaparas: Identifying Converging Pairs of Nodes on a Budget. EDBT 2015: 313-324
E-Mail: klazaridou (at) bht-berlin.de