• Podcast 09/06/2024: Alexander Löser: "Large Language Models: Spitze der KI-Forschung" on rbb24 Inforadio
  • Talk 10/01/24: Alexander Löser: heibrids lecture ecdf: Represeting Patients with Large Language Models Einsteincenter
  • Talk 20/03/2024: Alexander Löser at KI Kongress Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS): Applications in Medicine for Large Language Models
  • Talk 30/04: BiFold Workshop  Alexander Löser and Paul Grundmann. Clinical Embeddings for Patient Representations.
  • Talk 05/24: Paul Grundmann, Michalis Papaioannou, Workshop with SMITH Consrtium and Uni Leipzg (Medizininformatik Initative)
  • Paper accepted: DDxGym: Online Transformer Policies in a Knowledge Graph Based Natural Language Environment; Benjamin Winter, Alexei Figueroa, Alexandler Löser, Felix A. Gers, Nancy Figueroa, Ralf Krestel, at LREC-COLING 2024
  • Paper accepted: Data Drift in Clinical Outcome Prediction from Admission Notes; Paul Grundmann, Jens-Michalis Papaioannou, Tom Oberhauser, Thomas Steffek, Amy Siu, Wolfgang Nejdl, Alexander Löser; at LREC-COLING 2024
  • Paper accepted: Revisiting Clinical Outcome Prediction for MIMIC-IV; Tom Röhr, Alexei Figueroa, Jens-Michalis Papaioannou, Conor Fallon, Keno Bressem, Wolfgang Nejdl, Alexander Löser at NAACL Workshop 2024
  • Podcast of Alexander Löser about German Large Language Models: https://future-energy-lab.de/podcast/podcast-staffel-2/
  • Betty van Aken successfully defended his PhD thesis at Uni Hannover
  • Alexander Löser in an SWR interview 12/23
  • Talk of Michalis Papaioannou and Alexei Figueroa about Prototypical Networks at ECDF Graduate School Hebridis in 12/23
  • Our DFG structural program is funded with 5+3 million euro with a focus on foundation models and medicine
  • Alexander Löser is a consultant for research programs with regard to LLMs for the BMWK
  • Alexander Löser published a second study for the BMBF on large language models with specific focus on medical applications (11/23)
  • Paper accepted. Medbert.de: A comprehensive german bert model for the medical domain. Keno K Bressem, Jens-Michalis Papaioannou, Paul Grundmann, Florian Borchertd, Lisa C Adams, Leonhard Liu, Felix Busch, Lina Xu, Jan P Loyen, Stefan M Niehues, Moritz Augustin, Lennart Grosser, Marcus R Makowski, Hugo JWL Aerts, Alexander Löser. Expert Systems with Applications Journal (Impact factor 8.5) 08/23
  • Alexander Löser Guest Editor for the Special Issue,  LLMs for Medicine in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (Elsevier)
  • DATEXIS is organizing NII Shonan Seminar on "Empowering Local Open Source LLMs" in Oct 2024 with Yuki Arase (Osaka)  and Keisuke Sakaguchi (Tohoku)
  • Keynote Alexander Löser "Berliner Chirurgische Gesellschaft": Deutsche Sprachmodelle in der Medizin: Das nächste Wort.
  • Interview BMBF/acatech: How can the german economy benefit from local LLMs?   
  • Rudolf Schneider successfully defended his PhD thesis at Uni Stuttgart
  • Alexander Löser in Handelsblatt on ChatGPT and LLMs
  • 05/23: BHT Magazine on AI and Large Language Models
  • 05/23 Talk Alexander Löser, Paul Grundmann and Michalis Papaioannou at Joint Seminar UKB Darmstadt (Iryna Gurevych) and NLP Group LMU München (Hinrich Schütze)
  • 04/23 Talk Alexander Löser at L3S Research Seminar (Wolfgang Nejdl)
  • Presentation by Betty van Aken: Prototypical Networks for Interpretable Diagnosis Prediction, @ NLP Summit Healthcare, April 4-5 2023
  • Betty van Aken, nominated for BMBF award KI-Newcomer*innen at KI Camp 2023
  • Podcast with Prof. Alexander Löser: Technik aufs Ohr - Folge 136
  • Interview Alexander Löser im "Capital" 04/23: Wer macht das Rennen um die Vorherschaft bei der KI?
  • Talk Alexander Löser @ L3S Hannover: Representing Patients and Predicting Clinical Outomes
  • German MedBert Model published at Huggingface (with Keno Bressem and DATEXIS)
  • Acatech Talk about different Skills for running AI Projects with SMEs
  • Paper presented at NeurIPS 2021 Workshop: Betty van Aken, Sebastian Herrmann, Alexander Löser
  • New BMBF Project: "KI in der Pflege - Sturz/Delir/Medication" together with Felix Biessmann and DATEXIS
  • Introduction into Deep Patient Representation with Alexander Löser [link]
  • Paper accepted: Patrick Erdelt: Orchestrating DBMS Benchmarking in the Cloud with Kubernetes. VLDB Workshop TPCTC 2021
  • Plattform Lernende Systeme - KI im Mittelstand mit Alexander Löser[link]
  • Dr. Sebastian Arnold has been awarded with  the Faculty Prize 2021 in Theoretical Sciences of the Faculty of Science and Medicine of University of Friburg (Switzerland)
  • Paper accepted: Betty van Aken, Ivana Trajanovska, Amy Siu, Manuel Mayrdorfer, Klemens Budde, Alexander Loeser: Assertion Detection in Clinical Notes: Medical Language Models to the Rescue? , Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Medical Conversations @ NAACL 2021 [PDF] [Dataset] [Demo]
  • Erklärbare KI: Anforderungen, Anwendungsfälle und Lösungen - mit Betty van Aken und Alexander Löser [link]
  • Alexander Löser about Use-Inspired Research for Data Science at HLB Newsletter
  • Hochschullehrerbund: Alexander Löser on 7.5.2021 in a panel together with the Bavarian Minister Bernd Sibler and NRW Minister Prof. Dr. Pinkwart [link]
  • PhD Defense: Konstantina Lazaridou defended her thesis "Revealing Hidden Patterns in Political News and Social Media with Machine Learning" on March 2nd 2021 (Supervision with Felix Naumann from HPI) [slides]
  • BMBF Plattform Lernende Systeme features Alexander Löser on Deep Patient Representation
  • Clinical Outcome Demo online: Clinical Outcome Prediction from Admission Notes
  • Plattform lernende Systeme, Drei Fragen an Alexander Löser, KI im Mittelstand: Chancen in der Wertschöpfungskette erkennen [Link]
  • Invited Talk: Tom Oberhauser was invited to the DFKI Research Colloquium to give a talk about "Bi-Encoders for Small-Data Named Entity Linking"
  • Paper accepted: Betty van Aken, Jens-Michalis Papaioannou, Manuel Mayrdorfer, Klemens Budde, Felix Gers, Alexander Löser: Clinical Outcome Prediction from Admission Notes using Self-Supervised Knowledge Integration, Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics EACL 2021 [Link]
  • Paper accepted: Jens-Michalis Papaioannou, Manuel Mayrdorfer, Sebastian Arnold, Felix A. Gers, Klemens Budde and Alexander Löser: Aspect-based Passage Retrieval with Contextualized Discourse Vectors, Proceedings of the 43rd European Conference on Information Retrieval ECIR 2021


  • Future Medicine Science Pitch: Outcome Prediction from Clinical Notes at Admission Time, Betty van Aken and Dr. Dr. Manuel Mayrdorfer
  • Sebastian Arnold has successfully completed his PhD [Slides]
  • Data Science und Humanoide Robotik: Neue Forschungsverbünde an der BHT [Link]
  • Paper accepted: Tom Oberhauser, Tim Bischoff, Karl Brendel, Maluna Menke, Tobias Klatt, Amy Siu, Felix Alexander Gers and Alexander Löser: TrainX – Named Entity Linking with Active Sampling and Bi-Encoders. COLING 2020 Demo Track
  • eco Akademie Webinar, Legal Tech: Einsatzmöglichkeiten von KI am Beispiel NLP und Semantische Suche (Vortrag: Alexander Löser)
  • Tage der Digitalen Technologien des BMWi: Wie lässt sich der Mittelstand für die Plattformökonomie gewinnen? (Panel Discussion with Alexander Löser)
  • CDV: Demo-Videos [CORD19, Healthcare Retrieval, Aspect Vector Space, Entity Vector Space]
  • Service-Meister: Warum Plattformen Erfolgsgeschichten brauchen
  • Web Talk: Erklärbarbeit und Transparenz von KI-Methoden, 10.06.2020; 14:00-16:00 [Info]
  • BHT and Charité defined use case "Differential diagnosis" for GAIA-x 
  • Talk: An Evening with BERT, Betty van Aken, PyLadies Berlin
  • Paper accepted: Betty van Aken, Benjamin Winter, Felix A. Gers and Alexander Löser. VisBERT: Hidden-State Visualizations for Transformers. Accepted to The Web Conference 2020 (WWW'20) Demo Track
  • Paper accepted: Rudolf Schneider, Tom Oberhauser, Paul Grundmann, Felix Alexander Gers, Alexander Loeser and Steffen Staab: Is Language Modeling enough? Evaluating Effective Embedding Combinations LREC 2020
  • Paper accepted: Konstantina Lazaridou, Alexander Löser, Maria Mestre, Felix Naumann : Discovering Biased News Articles Leveraging Multiple Human Annotations. LREC 2020
  • News: Golem: CDV as a medical search-engine helping doctors to diagnose COVID-19, see also Cluster Digitale Wirtschaft Berlin and BMWi
  • Alexander Löser elected as sponsoring Chair for COLING 2020
  • Talk:Zukunftsthemen der IKT-Branche in Berlin und Brandenburg at HHI.
  • Talk: Explainable machine understanding, and examples for clinical applications with OMQ: AI for Business Meetup
  • Common AI Myths busted, published Platform Learning Systems (BMBF)
  • Talk: BioBilanz 2020, Keynote Alexander Löser
  • Paper accepted: Sebastian Arnold, Betty van Aken, Paul Grundmann, Felix Gers, Alexander Löser: Learning Contexualized Document Representations for Heathcare Answer Retrieval. ACM WWW 2020


  • Datexis-Startup Pyramics aquired by Hella Aglaia GmbH, see press release (PDF)
  • How does BERT answer questions. Demo released. 
  • KI-Berlin.de Interview of Datexis and Alexander Löser
  • Heise News: Analysis of Doctor Letters with Neural Methods.
  • Talk 360 Innovations: Sind Dialoge zwischen Blaumann und Maschine möglich? AES Congress Sindelfingen 2019
  • Paper accepted: "How Does BERT Answer Questions? A Layer-Wise Analysis of Transformer Representations" by Betty van Aken, Benjamin Winter, Felix Gers and Alexander Löser accepted with CIKM 2019.
  • Best Thesis Award: Team members Thomas Steffek with bachelor's thesis "Neural Facet Detection on Medical Resources" and Tom Oberhauser with master's thesis "Neural Information Retrieval with Vector Space Queries" awarded degrees with distinction as best  faculty thesis in Summer Term 2019
  • Germany's leading AI-Plattform "Learning Systems" (BMBF) publishes results. Alexander Löser is one of the experts recommending deep learning techniques for next generation AI applications 
  • BMWi recommends AI project servicemeister for funding (initial study phase 1). Project members are Beuth, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, USU AG, eco e.V.
  • Keynote from DATEXIS at FOX AI Summit in Cologne 2019
  • Alexander Löser elected as executive board member in Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF)
  • Alexander Löser invited as expert for study by KfW and acatech on financing startups in later rounds.
  • Beuth Blog about Data Science Team
  • Our paper  "IDEL: In-Database Neural Entity Linking" was  selected as Best Paper Award winner at BigComp 2019 in February 2019.
  • BMWi recommends two projects for funding: PLASS and Smart-MD in Smart Data Economy programme
  • DATEXIS Startup "Qualifiction" at NDR television
  • Our MACSS project with the Charité and the SAP will be awarded the Max Rubner Preison January 15, 2019.
    The project is about measures to prevent a kidney transplant or to keep a transplanted kidney "in" longer. (Increase therapy adherence).
  • Paper accepted: Sebastian Arnold, Rudolf Schneider, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, Felix A. Gers and Alexander Löser. "SECTOR: A Neural Model for Coherent Topic Segmentation and Classification." Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2019).
  • Paper accepted: Torsten Kilias, Alexander Löser, Felix Gers, Ying Zhang, Richard Koopmanschap and Martin Kersten. "IDEL: In-Database Neural Entity Linking". IEEE BigCom 2019


  • Rudolf Schneider Leibniz Startup & Industry Event "Künstliche Intellegenz" in the atrium of Leibniz Universität Hannover organized by Forschungszentrum L3S. Presentation of solutions developed in MACSS on November 20, 2018
  • Alexander Löser invited as expert in leading AI Platform " BMBF Lernende Systeme" Working Group 1:Technological Enablers and Data Science
  • Betty van Aken, Julian Risch, Ralf Krestel, Alexander Löser published Challenges for Toxic Comment Classification at EMNLP 2018
  • Christopher Kümmel gives a talk at Data&Drinks "Reducing Machine Learning costs with Active Learning" on 7.11.2018
  • Alexander Löser gives talk at science match with Tagesspiegel 2018
  • Alexander Löser invited Expert for H2020 in Brussels in June 2018
  • Rudolf Schneider, Betty  van Aken and Alexander Löser present our work on neural text mining at German Finnish Information Exchange 2018 in the Finnish Embassy Berlin and the smart data forum
  • Joint Beuth-Team (Betty van Aken,  Iurri Chernusheko) and HPI (Julian Risch) achive notable 54th. rank (out of of 4000) at   Kaggle Hate Speech Competition 
  • DB Schenker about our work on improving supply chain management and data science.
  • Invited Talk at BISCUITS first workshop on Software Foundations for Data Interoperability with Alex Löser at Kyoto University, Japan (21.3.2018)
  • Paper accepted: Rudolf Schneider, Sebastian Arnold, Tom Oberhauser, Tobias Klatt, Thomas Steffek, Alexander Löser, "Smart-MD: Neural Paragraph Retrieval of Medical Topics". In WWW ’18 Companion: The 2018 Web Conference Companion, April 23–27, 2018, Lyon, France. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages. [video]
  • Former Team Member Cordula Guder (now with SAP Innovation Center) awarded as best master student in computer science at Beuth for winter term 17/18.


  • Paper accepted: Rudolf Schneider, Tom Oberhauser, Tobias Klatt, Felix A. Gers, and Alexander Löser, “Analysing Errors of Open Information Extraction Systems,” accepted for BLGNLP 2017 Building Linguistically Generalizable NLP Systems at EMNLP 2017
  • Lukas Abegg with Thesis on "Maschine Learning for Search Engine Optimization" awarded as best bachelor student for summer term 2017.
  • Leading article Data Science in Beuth Magazin 1/2017 about the new Data Science Master in english language starting this Winterterm 2017 at Beuth University [pdf]
  • New article on our work with Exasol about executing text mining tasks in a main memory database
  • Kickoff EU H2020 Project "FashionBrain" in Luxemburg in 01/2017 


  • Two Demonstration Papers accepted at COLING 2016: "TASTY: Interactive Entity Linking As-You-Type" (Sebastian Arnold, Robert Dziuba, Alexander Löser) and "Interactive Relation Extraction in Main Memory   Database Systems" (Rudolf Schneider, Cordula Guder, Torsten Kilias, Alexander Löser, Jens Graupmann (ExaSOL AG) Oleksandr Kozachuk (ExaSOL AG))
  • Long Night of Sciences with DATEXIS: My Search Engine reads me. With Sebastian Arnold and Robert Dzuiba. 11.6.2016, Beuth-HS, Haus Grashof 6:00 PM, 8:00 PM 10:00 PM
  • PT Jühlich recommends EXIST SEED Project Pyramics: The technique recognizes from a mini-camera at the shop flor faces, age, sex and viewing angles of potential customers. Alexander Löser from DATEXIS mentors the team. 


  • Talk: Alexander Löser gives keynote at IBM Business Connect 2015 on "Data Value Chains - A successful modell for Germany and Europe"
  • Talk: BITKOM AK Big Data in Berlin on In-Data-Base-Text-Mining (5.11.2015)
  • Talk/ Discussion: ForumWHU Otto Beisheim School, Vallendar
  • Proposal accepted: DATEXIS won BMWi challenge "Smart Service Welt" with MACSS proposal (with Charité, SAP SE, SmartPatient GmbH, DFKI GmbH, DOSING GmbH)
  • Final presentations for Enterprise Data Management class are online, this time with Zalando and HERE.
  • Paper accepted: "Resolving Common Analytical Tasks in Text Databases" (Sebastian Arnold, Alexander Löser, Torsten Kilias.  ACM DOLAP Workshop@CIKM 2015
  • Talk with IBM Analytics, HQ France: What's next in Analytics? 
  • Final presentations for Enterprise Data Management class are online


  • Paper accepted: INDREX: In-Database Relation Extraction. Torsten Kilias, Alexander Löser, Periklis Andritsos. To appear in: Information Systems Journal. (Impact Factor 1.23)
  • Beuth News: Data Science is an important new  focus area of Beuth-University, see article about DATEXIS and Data Science
  • Two large projects, ExCELL and Smart Data web, have been recommend for funding by BMWi.
  • ERCIM Expert Group on Big Data Analytics elected Alexander Löser as member 
  • The development of ICT for big data management is a logical priority of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, and one which particularly merits support. The Big Data Managament Report of the BMWi is online now. Alexander Löser coordinated this effort in 2013.
  • Talk at CEBIT (Hall 9 / Stand 43) in collaboration with the German Research Center for Artifical Intelligence (DFKI).
  • 11/3/2014 Talk at CEBIT (Hall 9 / Stand E24) in collaboration with BMWi
  • 02/2014: Final presentations for Enterprise Data Management class are online.
  • 10/01/2014 PhD Defense: Klemens Muthmann defended his Ph.D. thesis "Community based Answer Detection" at TU Dresden. Alexander Löser was part of the comitee. Congrats to Klemens! 


  • 12/2013 Paper Informatik Spektrum 12/2103:Preismodelle für Datenmarktplatze. Florian Stahl, Alexander Löser and Gottfried Vossen. 
  • 11/2013 Talk: IBM CIO Forum 'Nürnberger Kreis' in Berlin. "Big Data Technologie und Datenmarktplätze. Chancen für Innovationen  Made in Europe"